What do you do after witnessing a traffic crash?

You are driving peacefully along the highway when suddenly, a car in front stops and you lose control. As you pass by the car, broken glass litters your road. Do you stop? Do you call the police? You can feel overwhelmed by emotions and adrenaline after witnessing a traffic collision. It is important to think rationally, act quickly and save lives.

Here are some things to do after being involved in a traffic collision.

Step 1 Keep You Secure

Safety is the priority. Once you have cleared the crash site, move to the side road and ensure it’s clear. You should never stop or get out of your car in the middle. Keep a distance between you and the crash when pulling over.

Allow for an emergency vehicle to get you to work

Avoid being in danger if there is a car fire

A car can collide with another vehicle, especially if it is not visible due to weather conditions.

If you are in an accident on a busy roadway, it is safer for you to stay in your vehicle.

Step 2 Calls for Help

Once you’re safely pulled to the shoulder of the road and no immediate danger exists, you can call and report the incident. If you can, take down the address of the nearest intersection or highway exit, as well as the direction and number of cars involved in the collision. You have to be quick!

If you are unable to use your cell phone for any reason, take the vehicle to the nearest business, and ask an employee to call the cops.

Step 3: Help if You Can

If the crash is not an immediate threat, you should call. If there is no immediate threat (e.g. fire or fast-moving traffic), then you should walk over to the vehicle. You should check on the occupants of the vehicle to determine if any injuries have occurred and notify. A medical professional may be qualified to give first aid. However, it is possible that you could face legal liability depending on where you live. You should not attempt to give first aid if you are not a certified nurse, EMT, physician, or doctor. If the person is seriously ill or in imminent danger, you might be able to assist in some cases. If they are severe bleeding, you might be able to apply pressure to the wound. If they are in imminent danger, do not move them. You could make things worse.

Step 4 Remain on the Scene

You may be asked to provide a statement to the police as a witness to the accident. If there are multiple vehicles involved in the accident, your testimony can help provide more information and help determine who was responsible. It is best to avoid confronting the driver(s) at a crash site. Even though they may be at fault, adrenaline is running high and emotions are running wild. You don’t know how an accused will react to being accused. It’s best to keep your distance from any arguments between two drivers. Keep a record of everything that happened by taking photos of the plates on the wrecked vehicles. It can be particularly useful if one of the drivers runs from the scene.

Traffic accidents can be very traumatizing, especially when a victim is killed. You should seek professional help if you are experiencing depression, anxiety, and other problems with your mental health as a result of a crash. It is possible to save lives by knowing what you should do in the event of a crash. 

Pass First Go Driving Instructors will guide you and teach you how to keep yourself safe and secure.